Conan is a show that is hosted by Conan O'brien. He has a co-host whose name is Andy Richter. This show is a talk show where they bring guests on(mainly celebreties) and talk about their upcoming movies, television shows, events, programs, games, articles, etc. He also occasionally brings animal trainers on and the trainer brings on different exotic animals that Conan and Andy can interact with and learn all types of information about them, where they live, what they eat, if they are poisonous, what their life span is just stuff like that. I have always liked watching this show because he is definitely a good comedic host. This television show airs on TBS from Monday through Thursday almost every week. Conan will also occasionally leave the set and go to different areas of the attractions in California, such as random shops or even drawing schools where the artists sometimes draw Conan himself in a matter of minutes. Go ahead and check it out!
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